What to eat when you are pregnant

Pregnancy is one of the most delicate albeit wonderful experiences in the life of many women. It is a period that calls for extra attention to the lifestyle choices of the expectant mother, especially when it comes to her eating habits.
As a pregnant woman you must be conscious of the fact that you are now eating for two people, that is your baby and yourself. This might sound like a cliche but it is actually a very important fact you must always remember. Eating the right food that provides your body with the necessary nutrients, plays a major role in ensuring that you and your baby remain in great health.
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Folic acid, Iron, Calcium, Vitamins and Iodine are a few examples of the nutrients your body needs during pregnancy. Make sure to include the following foods in your diet plan as they are a great source of the aforementioned nutrients.
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of Vitamin A which is very essential in having a healthy pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. You can cook, roast or oven bake them into fries.
Avocados provide the body with so many nutrients including Vitamin B, Vitamin K, potassium, Vitamin C, and are also a great source of fats and fibre. These nutrients help in the development of your baby’s skin, brain and body tissue.
Potassium has also been proven to help relieve leg cramps in many pregnant women. Try to include avocado in your salads and smoothies, you can also eat them as a meal on its own.
Including salmon in your soups and stews should be a must for any woman going through pregnancy. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which contributes to the growth of your baby’s brain and eyes.
They are also a good source of Vitamin D, which is important for bone development and also improves immune function.
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Turkey berry
Turkey berry or “abedru” as it is popularly known in Ghana is a very nutritious plant that is highly recommended for most pregnant women in Ghana especially when it comes to the prevention or treatment of anaemia.
“Abedru” helps to increase the hemoglobin level of pregnant women, and also causes an increase in the production of red blood cells. For the best result do not cook this plant, it must be eaten raw. You can blend it and drink, or add it to blended kontomire stew known locally as “abomu“ and eat.
Eggs are a great source of protein, fat, vitamins and other essential nutrients. Consuming the appropriate amount of eggs will aid in your baby’s brain and spine development, and also help prevent certain abnormalities when it comes to your child’s development.
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Pregnancy can cause a person to lose energy and get tired frequently. Banana is a great source of energy, with the added incentive of being easy on the stomach. They are also very rich in potassium which we have already established plays a vital role in a healthy pregnancy.
Water might technically not be considered food, but it’s role in having a healthy pregnancy can not be overstated. As humans it is very important that we stay hydrated, and this is even more accurate when it comes to pregnant women. Pregnant women are required to drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
As a pregnant woman, it is very important that you always remember your baby depends on you for food in order to develop properly. Therefore whenever you are about to eat, make sure what you’re about to consume is not only healthy for you but also for the baby inside you.