5 signs you might get sacked from your job

Getting fired from work can be a very unpleasant situation especially when you didn’t see it coming. It can be challenging to come to terms with the fact you have been let go, no matter what the reason is.
More often than not, there will be a few warning signs that precede the sacking. Unfortunately, most people are oblivious to these red flags and so it comes as a major surprise when they eventually get sacked. You stand a better chance of saving your job if you can recognize these warning signs and act accordingly.
Here are 5 signs you might get sacked soon.
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You are constantly being left out of decision making
A major red flag you might get sacked is when you start getting left out of crucial decisions to be made for the company, especially if you used to be included in such activities. This should be a reason to worry because it means your employer no longer considers your input vital when making important decisions for the company.
This might be an indication of a lack of trust in your capabilities by your bosses and if not rectified might result in you losing your job.
Negative reviews
Regular negative reviews are probably the most obvious sign your employment status might be under threat. These reviews can be verbal or written comments by your co-workers, bosses or even clients.
Once these negative reviews begin to pile up, it creates an impression you are not doing a great job and this might lead to your employer considering alternative options to take over your duties.
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You are entrusted with fewer responsibilities
A significant decrease in the number of responsibilities entrusted to you is a clear indication something might not be right. If you find yourself constantly being given less work to do, whilst your coworkers get a lot of responsibilities entrusted to them, then your employer may be considering letting you go hence the decline of your involvement in company business.
You are being ignored
This is another warning sign your position at work is no longer secure. It is becoming increasingly difficult to attract the attention of people that matter at your workplace whereas that wasn’t the case previously.
Your opinions and suggestions seem to fall on deaf ears, and it appears no one is interested in seeking your insight on any work-related activity. These indications can be a reflection of your dwindling influence in the company and a lack of trust in your input.
Your boss is always on your case
Although this doesn’t always mean your job is under threat, it is still one of the warning signs to look out for. If your boss has become increasingly critical of the work you do and appears to be a constant shadow hovering over your every move, then you need to consider the fact you could be losing your job if things don’t change.
All the points highlighted above can be a sign you might be getting sacked, but that may not always be the case, there could also be unique reasons for such situations. The most important thing is to constantly be on the lookout for any form of warning sign your job might be under threat and try to avert them.